Thousands of Hampshire students set to receive their exam results today
Hampshire County Council is congratulating all of the students receiving their GCSE and other level 2 exam results today. And urging everyone who isn’t sure what to do next. To speak to Hampshire Futures, the County Council’s careers advice
Recycle vapes at Household waste recycling centre to avoid fire risks
Hampshire residents can now recycle vapes at any Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC), helping to avoid disposal in general waste, which is a fire risk, and reduce littering. Following the rise in vaping it is now estimated that around
Helping Hampshire residents – health and care grants awarded
Grants of £225,450 have been approved by Hampshire County Council’s Cabinet Members for adults’ health and care to support local initiatives that help older and vulnerable residents to stay healthy and independent for longer, reducing the need for statutory support. Councillor Liz Fairhurst,
How to Live Longer Better!
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