The value of partnership working between key Hampshire organisations to drive economic growth across the county has been underlined by Hampshire County Council’s Cabinet today (8 July 2024)

At their latest meeting, Executive Members reinforced the importance of the newly established Hampshire Prosperity Partnership, and its role to boost economic prosperity, innovation and skills for the future – identifying the actions that will be needed to maintain Hampshire’s competitiveness, while ensuring businesses are successful, minimising unemployment and attracting the benefits of inward investment into the county.

County Council Leader, and Chair of the Prosperity Partnership Board, Councillor Nick Adams-King, said: “We are extremely proud to be working in partnership with businesses, local authorities, educators and the skills sector to do all that we can to boost Hampshire’s economy and make a positive difference to Hampshire’s future.

“In taking on the responsibilities formerly undertaken by local enterprise partnerships, we have a fantastic opportunity to operate effectively as a cross-sector partnership with a strong business voice, backed by clear democratic accountability.”

“Having chaired our first meeting in recent weeks, I was delighted by the enthusiasm and commitment of the Board members, and their ambition to achieve success for Hampshire businesses and residents. I am very positive about the potential for success and look forward to working closely with the Prosperity Partnership Board and the Joint Leaders’ Board in developing our plans for boosting economic growth, innovation and skills in Hampshire.”

Building on the legacy of the successful Local Enterprise Partnerships, the Hampshire Prosperity Partnership Board will drive economic growth through activity to attract investment into the county, enable businesses in Hampshire to flourish and to secure long-term employment prospects for Hampshire residents.

The Board will be supported in identifying the varying priorities across the county by the data and intelligence provided by economic development officers at borough, city, county and district level. Democratic input to the Board, together with additional knowledge of local issues, will be provided by the Joint Leaders Board, chaired by the Leader of Test Valley Borough Council, Councillor Phil North.