A drug dealer caught by police at Gosport ferry terminal has been jailed for Class A drugs supply offences in Gosport.

Antonio Panayi, aged 31, was arrested at Gosport ferry terminal on the evening of Wednesday 25 October 2023.

Police were already present at the terminal as they were in the middle of conducting a knife arch operation.

At around 8.30pm, Panayi alighted the ferry and began walking up the pontoon. Upon seeing police, he then turned around and began walking back down towards the ferry.

He was stopped by officers but resisted and tried to run off before discarding a bum bag.

The bag was searched and grip seal bags containing powder and cannabis were located within, along with approximately £4,000 cash. Two mobile phones were also seized by police.

Panayi, of Eddington Road in St Helens, Isle of Wight was arrested at the scene, and following enquiries he was initially charged with two counts of possession of Class B drugs with intent to supply, and possession of criminal property.

However, further enquiries determined that the white powder seized by police was cocaine, and Panayi subsequently pleaded guilty to possession of Class A drugs with intent to supply, in addition to one count of possession of criminal property and possession of Class B drugs with intent to supply.

Appearing at Portsmouth Crown Court on Friday 2 February Panayi was jailed for 40 months.

Detective Sergeant Heather Hudson said: “Drug dealing is a scourge on the community, and the work of police teams collectively throughout the Fareham & Gosport districts is having a positive effect on robustly disrupting supply lines.

“The efforts of officers on the day in stopping, searching and arresting Panayi are just a small snapshot of what can be done to remove drugs from the streets and identify individuals involved in the drugs trade.

“We encourage people to please keep submitting information to us about drugs supply in your neighbourhood. You may not always see an immediate police deployment, but rest assured that every piece of information you provide helps us develop the bigger picture and relentlessly pursue the people involved.”