It is with regret that Fareham Borough Council has taken the decision to significantly reduce its Christmas Lights Switch On event this Saturday 18 November, due to safety concerns caused by very poor weather conditions.

Organisers have taken this difficult decision due to the yellow weather warning in place. In order to put on a safe event, set up starts early in the morning. With heavy rain predicted, set up would prove impossible for stall holders and attractions. Gusts of wind up to 35mph will also continue throughout the day making it unsafe for festive stalls, street entertainment and other attractions such as the fun fair rides to operate.

The Christmas lights will still be switched on as planned at 5.30pm, with the Mayor and Mayoress of Fareham in attendance, along with the winner of the summer colouring competition. This will take place at the performance podium on West Street and residents are welcome to come along to watch. Visitors are advised to be cautious in the wet and windy conditions.

While there will be no outdoor activities taking place throughout the day, there will still be some indoor activities within Fareham Shopping Centre and West Street. Further information can be found on the Council’s website

Executive Member for Leisure and Community, Councillor Sue Walker, said: “It is with deep regret that we have had to significantly reduce this event. A huge amount of work goes into making the Christmas Lights Switch On such a popular occasion, but the safety of store holders, contractors, staff and guests has to be our priority. With heavy rain and high winds making gazeboes and fun fair rides unsafe and heavy rain making performances on stage and along West Street impossible, this is the right thing to do on this occasion.”

Unfortunately, it is not possible to reschedule this event as suppliers are already committed to attending other events in the run up to Christmas.