Fareham Borough Council has announced some of the ways in which Fareham Live has reused materials as part of its intelligent design.

Fareham Live has been designed to optimise the usable floor area, without significantly increasing the building’s footprint. In fact, the floorspace has been increased by 30% but the footprint has only increased by 5%! This has been achieved using clever techniques such as extending the existing roof to create more headroom on the first floor for office space and corridors. This is an environmentally friendly way to deliver additional functionality without significantly increasing the building’s footprint.

Furthermore, around 50% of the existing building has been retained or re-used, including some of the original foundations and much of the original auditorium. Other usable materials from the demolition phase have been crushed down and re-used in the new building’s foundations.  This not only significantly reduces the quantity of new materials needed, but also minimises the carbon impact of a total demolition and replacement.

Fareham Live’s intelligent design has even taken into account Fareham’s brickmaking heritage by taking steps to preserve as much of the original brickwork as possible. The bricks will be cleaned and repointed for use to the rear and base of the building, giving them new life.

Executive Member for Leisure and Community, Councillor Sue Walker said: “I am so proud of the whole Fareham Live project and the thought and effort that has gone into making it a green, sustainable and futureproof community venue. This could have easily been a full demolition and rebuild project, but thanks to this intelligent design we have been able to retain and reuse materials to help manage budgets and minimise environmental damage.”

Follow the latest news at www.fareham.gov.uk/farehamlive where there is also a unique opportunity to be a part of the exclusive soundwave artwork in the grand foyer ‘A Wave of Thanks’.  You can also sign up for our mailing list to be one of the first to find out about new shows and events when Fareham Live opens in 2024