Fareham Live is set to shine this week, with its fly tower set to be adorned with golden external wall panelling. As the community, arts and entertainment venue continues to take shape.

The 10-metre-high gold-coloured external wall panelling will be lifted into place using a 150-tonne crane. In works which are scheduled to take around two weeks to complete. This element of work will dramatically change the appearance of the venue and the fly-tower will stand out brightly for a time. Until the rest of the building has been completed.

The fly tower is the crowning glory of Fareham Live as it allows stage components such as curtains, lights, scenery and, sometimes, people, to be lifted off the stage quickly, quietly and safely. This technology will attract bigger, better and more impressive shows to the theatre. Attracting visitors into Fareham and supporting the Council’s Town Centre regeneration plans.

Executive Member for Leisure and Community at Fareham Borough Council, Councillor Sue Walker, said: “This is an exciting development for Fareham Live and takes us another step toward our grand opening in 2024. I think the gold external wall panelling is only fitting on such an important feature. As the fly tower will be game changing in attracting high-quality shows to the venue.”

Alvin Hargreaves, Group Operations Director at Trafalgar Theatres added: “The inclusion of a fly-tower at Fareham Live will ensure that the venue’s theatrical capabilities are aligned. To the requirements of the most technically demanding modern shows. The fly-tower is an integral part of the stage house and facilitates the live-flying of show cloths and scenery. As well as accommodating the theatre’s cinema and stage lighting systems. By including a fly-tower in the theatre’s design the Council is ensuring that Trafalgar Theatres can present the widest possible programme of shows. And events to the most diverse audiences.”