More than 20 ideas that could change the face of Fareham town centre have been put forward for consideration by the Council’s Executive at a meeting on 18 March.  The report was compiled following weeks of consultations, pop-up events and focus groups led by Fareham Borough Council and its advisors RivingtonHark.

Some exciting suggestions include making improvements to the public realm so people enjoy being in the town centre and want to spend more time there; transforming Market Quay into a destination in its own right, and creating a new pathway from Fareham Live through to a more visually appealing West Street and Market Quay.  Another idea is to illuminate the Fareham viaduct to create a new, visual landmark and sense of arrival.

A whole range of interventions have been proposed across five activity strands: 1) Quick wins and early interventions; 2) Town Centre parking; 3) Public Realm and Placemaking; 4) Underused or underutilised buildings; and 5) Bricks and Mortar.

After an initial review, a short list has been drawn up for more detailed assessment in the next stage. The ideas will be further considered in terms of deliverability, cost and ensuring they meet the five key strategic objectives identified as being crucial to Fareham’s successful regeneration set out in their findings at the end of last year.  They are: 1) Address connectivity issues; 2) Consolidate retail and introduce new vibrant uses; 3) Make the most of Fareham’s inherent qualities; 4) Make the Town Centre more attractive; and 5) Create unique selling points.

Councillor Seán Woodward, Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, said: “I am delighted with the High levels of interest and engagement in the town centre we have seen in the consultations.  Residents are passionate about our town centre.  It is testament to the shared commitment of Fareham’s community to make it the best it can be, and the range of ideas identified pave the way for an exciting future.  My hope, as I move towards the end of my tenure as Leader of the Council, is that I leave with a bold action plan in place to create a new sense of purpose and vibrancy for our town centre.”

Alongside technical analysis of footfall, parking and consumer catchment data, activity to date has been informed by an extensive period of engagement in which over 1,100 people have now shared views.  There will be further opportunities for residents and businesses to share opinions and discuss ideas in the spring and early summer.

It is important to note that whilst some ideas can be delivered by the Council, others will require working with partners, including local businesses, and/or attracting funding to take them forward.

The full report can be accessed on the Council’s website at: