Gosport Hospital Radio is a volunteer-run radio station that broadcasts to patients, staff, and visitors at Gosport War Memorial Hospital. The station plays a variety of music, from classical to pop to rock and would like to hear from local musicians.

We are looking for musicians who would like there music to be played on Gosport Hospital Radio, there are a few things you can do.

First, you can submit your music to the station’s playlist. The station’s playlist is a list of all the songs that are currently being played on the station. You can submit your music by visiting the station’s website or by sending an email to the station’s music director.

Second, you can contact the station’s presenters. The presenters are the people who actually play the music on the station. They are always looking for new music to play. So if you contact them and tell them about your music, they may be interested in playing it.

Here are some tips for musicians who want their music played on Gosport Hospital Radio

  • Make sure your music is high quality. The station wants to play music that sounds good, so make sure your music is professionally recorded and mastered.
  • Submit your music to the playlist early. The station’s playlist is updated every month, so if you submit your music early, there is a better chance that it will be played.
  • Contact the presenters. The presenters are the people who actually play the music on the station, so they are the best people to talk to if you want your music played.

If you follow these tips, you will increase your chances of having your music played on Gosport Hospital Radio.

Benefits of Having Your Music Played on Gosport Hospital Radio

There are many benefits to having your music played on Gosport Hospital Radio. Here are a few:

  • Your music will be heard by a large audience. The station broadcasts to patients, staff, and visitors at Gosport War Memorial Hospital, which means that your music will be heard by thousands of people.
  • Your music will be promoted by the station. The station will promote your music on its website, social media, and in its programming.
  • You will get exposure to new listeners. The station’s listeners come from all walks of life, so you will get exposure to a new audience of potential fans.
  • You will help to brighten the day of patients and staff at the hospital. Music can have a positive impact on people’s mood, so by having your music played on the station, you will be helping to brighten the day of patients and staff at the hospital.

If you are a musician and you would like your music played on Gosport Hospital Radio. W encourage you to submit your music to the station’s playlist or contact the presenters. You never know, your music might just be the next big thing!

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us via email at gosporthospitalradiosocial@gmail.com or call us on 023 92601600.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Article By Kevin Richards