A Portsmouth cardiologist has received a national award after being nominated by a Heart Failure patient.

Dr Kaushik Guha, Consultant Cardiologist and Heart Failure Lead at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust (PHU) was nominated by patient Kim to receive a ‘You’re Simply Marvellous’ award from the Pumping Marvellous Foundation.

The nomination read: “From diagnosis in 2021 to ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) placement in August of this year the care I’ve received has been exceptional. Dr Guha is such a special person and an outstanding doctor.

“He made my HF journey insightful and held my hand all the way. He is such a beautiful human being.”

Dr Guha is one of six healthcare professionals across the country who have been given the award which recognises their exceptional quality of care and treatment for Heart Failure and improving patient outcome.

He said: “I am honoured to receive this award on behalf of the Heart Failure Team at PHU. The award is a reflection of the collective dedication and commitment to delivering clinical excellence to our patients with heart failure. I am truly humbled and surprised to have been both nominated and win this award.

It serves as testament to the team’s hard work and ongoing commitment to providing the local population the highest standards of heart failure care.

CEO and Founder of the Pumping Marvellous Foundation, Nick Hartshorne-Evans said: “To hear such incredible feedback on the difference you have made to Kims heart failure journey is fantastic, going the extra mile to offer reassurance and insights into the condition is invaluable in building confidence and understanding of how to live well with heat failure and echoes our own positivity, together we can BEAT heart failure.”

Angela Graves, Chair of Trustees Board at the Pumping Marvellous Foundation added: “Leading by example, you have shown how hope, resilience, and self-awareness can benefit patients with heart failure, and that can be a real challenge at times. Wishing to share and support others is incredible, well done and thank you.”